Let us talk about Fearlessness

Three Concepts

Is there such a thing as fearlessness? Of course, many will boast of not being fearful, but are they falling apart on the inside? One cannot see what is going on in a person’s heart, but fear hides there. The fear stems from multiple issues, such as a sick loved one, a rocky relationship, and exam anxiety. Then there is the fear of loss, separation, failure, or being scrutinized by others.

The psalmist David said, “Order my steps in your words and let not any iniquity have dominion over me” (Psalm 119:133). David experienced fear when Saul chased him and the consequences of taking Uriah’s wife. He further went on to say that men oppressed him. Similarly, we can face situations where we feel pressured, cornered, or helpless. However, we cannot hide our faith and give in to the problem.

1. Ask the Lord to teach you his statues

“O that my ways were directed to keep thy statues!” (Psalm119:5)

There are times one fails to seek or ask for deliverance. They may think they deserve to be punished or feel there is no way out. Can I tell you this is the furthest from the truth? The truth is that God said to ask. We ask for our family, friends, neighbors, and enemies, yet think deliverance and peace are not for us. We open ourselves to change from the core when we ask God to teach us. Then, one is willing to drop the misguided judgments of others and rely on the God of truth. Remember, lies are of the devil, so he whispers, you are not God enough. Regardless of what you think, we always seek approval from someone. We want to know if we are good enough. Didn’t the Lord say we are royalties? So when trouble and anguish overtake you, you delight in the Lord’s commandments.

2. Know that God will never leave you or forsake you

Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord your God, He is the one who goes with you. He will not fail thee nor forsake you.”

Can I be vulnerable? I know I am a fearless warrior, counteracting everything life throws at me. I speak words of affirmation and seek the way through or around my given circumstances. I had passed through breast cancer and did not allow it to shake or break me. I stood on my faith and trust in who God said I am and His words, determined not to be derailed by anything. However, there is weakness in us, and the enemy will continue to push to find that weakness. In my book ‘Chosen for Battle,’ I have written that there is no fair play with the devil. He seeks to steal, kill and destroy. The enemy attacked my trust in others. Yes, I was devastated, but all was not lost. One can be affected that tears will roll, but that may be a good thing. Here is why. One begins to reflect on the possibilities when the tears are dried.

Joshua 1:19 says: “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

What is it that has you in the state of a pendulum? The Lord encouraged Joshua to be solid and courageous, and He is saying the same thing to us. Let’s take our eyes off the problem and look to the one who has the solution. We can escape that sagging state, no longer spiraling out of control. But we are anchored in our minds. One has to cross over and take control. Possess what God has given you. Rest in God.

3. Stand on the promises of God

We stand on the words of God. While the enemy’s whispers lie and creep in to create havoc in one’s life, God’s words counteract the negatives. God says we are a royal priesthood. As royalty, there is separation; as such, the royal throne’s laws govern life. There is nothing ordinary in their knowledge gained. The direct teachings elevate and transform, maintaining a clear vision of one’s being extraordinary. Another promise from God is one being the head and not the tail. Even amid the enemy’s land, God elevates and brings transformation.

Look at David. He maintained his integrity with the one true God and did not eat from the food offered to idols. David was fatter than all the other men at the end. He also prayed openly to God, and Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den when the administrators brought an accusation against him. God delivered him from the lions. Sure, we have been in similar situations, false accusations, and resentment because of who we are and what we stand for. There will be dictators and conflict-creators in life, but what is the promise of God saying? Is there anything too hard for God?

 “For with God, nothing shall be impossible.” (Luke 1:37)

How often do we miss the mark because we focus on power, strength, and abilities? What about trusting God to deliver us from those situations that look impossible? Let God’s promises shine on you.


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